Moisture + Hearing Aids = Time for Service!

It’s no secret that moisture and electronics don’t mix, and so that can be a challenging thing for people who wear hearing aids in the hot summer months when these electronic devices are subject to unexpected rain showers, humidity or perspiration issues.

Fortunately, JC Audiology has equipment designed to remove moisture that can accumulate in hearing aids. The Redux water-removal treatment system dries hearing aids out so that your hearing aids continue to perform optimally, and this helps to prolong the life of your devices.

Just a .5 micro-unit of water in a hearing device can cause up to a 30 dB decline in the hearing device’s functionality. 10 micro-units of water can cause a complete malfunction. The Redux system at JC Audiology can remove this moisture within minutes and restore your devices to proper operation. This literal ounce of preventative maintenance can provide you with months of extended use and better hearing. Call us to have your hearing devices put through this modern day technological wringer!